hidden treasure


VBS 2024

WHO: Children ages 4 (by Sep 1, 2023) and up

WHEN: June 24–27, 5:45–8:30 p.m.

WHERE: FBC Wolfforth

Joins us for VBS as we dig for hidden treasure in Jesus’s parables. We will serve a simple, kid-friendly dinner at 5:45, then sing, learn, craft, and play.

We have classes for children from pre-K to those who just finished 4th grade. 

Your child should be at least 4 years old by Sep 1, 2023 to participate.

Email vbs@fbcwolfforth.org with any questions! 

Register for VBS by filling out this form.

VBS Registration 2024

"*" indicates required fields

Children's Information

One row per child*
Birth Date
Grade Completed
Add as many rows as you need.

Parent/Guardian Information

Parent/Guardian Email*
Parent/Guardian Address

Other person to notify in case of an emergency

Food Allergies (Enter child's name, and "Y" for each allergy that child has)
Child's Name
Let us know if one or more of your children have these food allergies.
Choose an option below to grant or deny permission for the following statement: I hereby grant permission for any photos taken of my child over the course of FBC Wolfforth's VBS 2024 week to be reproduced or published on social media platforms by FBC Wolfforth.

Register for VBS in-person when you drop off your children.